The Cyber Essentials certification program is a simple, but effective, Government-backed, scheme which helps businesses, like Pullman Instruments, to protect each organisation against a range of common cyber attacks.
Cyber attacks can come in many forms, but most are basic in nature, commonly implemented by low or unskilled individuals. Cyber criminals are normally the online equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Our advancement as a business in completing this certification is to show our commitment to preventing attacks of this nature on Pullman Instruments systems and websites.
As a business we are pleased to have worked to attain this important certification which, with it, brings peace of mind that our systems are robust enough to withstand attacks of this nature and to guarantee, as far as we can, the integrity of the data we use as a business both now and in the future.
Mark Kendall, Pullman Instruments Sales Director said, about this new development for the business, 'It's taken a lot of work, investment and commitment to achieve, but we're glad to offer this additional level of peace of mind to all our clients'.