As the Everett Smith Group Ltd (ESG) continues to grow and geographical presence, as does the core capabilities in each of the companies in the group.
Pullman Instruments are pleased to announce that with the success experienced over many years Climatic Services have widened their scope of coverage for their Climatic testing facilities to each ESG group companies. This will mean a huge expansion expanding group capabilities, enabling all five branches to make full use of increased capabilities and capacities, thus increasing the range of services available to each client, wherever they may be in the UK.
All of the five business branches can make use of the specialised services of repair, calibration, sale and hire of Climatic test chambers.
The services include the hire of chambers located in our branches for customers to use, conducting their own climatic testing. The support of qualified Pullman Instruments engineers is available to support the process from start-up, programming of tests, culminating in traceable audit reports and certification.
Nathan Smith, CEO of the ESG Group said, 'This is a critical step in broadening the reach of the quality services we can provide and in not limiting the range of skills we can provide our clients, wherever they may be in the UK. We feel strongly that our customers will recognise this development and make use of it over the oncoming months and years'.